Category Archives: Advertising

Media Planning Final


Along with 4 other individuals, we came up with a campaign for our Media Planning class to assist SnackNation in increasing awareness and creating a campaign that targeted a certain market and audience.
I myself was in charge of National Geography,Target,and seasonality, along with the Rationale.

Media Pitch

Media Pitch

• Summary:

Tow Zone- A parking app that caters to a Houston driver, focusing on street parking zones

• Idea: Parking is difficult. A driver leaves their home dreading the traffic along with the thought of where they will park. This app would allow drivers to look up availability of surrounding parking garages and meters along with their listed price but also flagged areas where street parking is available. This would require partnerships with garage owners and establishment owners. By becoming partners with these establishments, it will allow the app to get direct information. Updates on prices, lists of operation times, and more importantly where their customers are not allowed to park. Most parking lots post the familiar red and white Towing Enforced signs listing the Towing Company and number of the location should your car be towed. Drivers might not always notice the sign so this information would also be readily available on the app for a driver to review. Speaking of reviewing, another major part of this app would be user involvement. Even though many apps allow users to review and share their own experiences, I find adding that quality to this app would increase the volume of users when they hear stories from other users. I would hope that it would make parking in Houston a bit easier, even though parking or driving around can at times be unpredictable. This app could allow a driver to plan ahead.

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